Airport CEO 1.0-0 released

There are lots of reports coming in on Steam regarding this delay issue.

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We are aware, and working on a solution! :slight_smile:


Rolling out an updated “unofficial” -44 version on the experimental branch, which will take care of the delay issue. Should be out in 10 to 20 minutes! :slight_smile: Will be validated on the experimental branch for some time and then hopefully transitioned to default before the weekend.


Aaaaand here’s the official 1.0-44 release! It does not only fix scheduling issues and landing accuracy but flight data file bloat as well! :slight_smile: Will be out on both experimental and default in a 15 minutes or so.

Release notes - Project Mercury - 1.0-44


MERCURY-47103 Flights can on very large airports in rare instances be planned in the past due to a missing flight list cache clear

MERCURY-47124 Flights on very large airports can slowly over time degrade in landing time accuracy

MERCURY-47127 Serialized and de-serialized flights can due to an incorrect validation check on some airports bloat the flight data save file


Love the bloat fix! Went from 155mb to 7mb with GameData!


Awesome, the test airport we managed to identify the issue with had 5800 flights in its list… “thankfully” mostly “pro users” like yourself seem affected (thankfully in the sense that you’re relatively few) but indeed a pretty significant fix.


I wonder how many gates they had… haha.

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So I’ve come across something interesting and wanted to know if this is intended behavior. I had a game running for maybe 5 or so hours and I saved it and the GameData.json file was 150mb. I restarted the game entirely and loaded the save up, then immediately saved the game again and it was 8mb for the GameData.json. What’s the behind the scenes of this data compression/cleanup?

Late reply on this one but essentially the application holds a certain amount of data it needs for the continued simulation of the game during the active session, in regards to flight generation. On load we parse that data and sort away what’s no longer needed. You could probably code this a lot better if you re-architectured the game but I don’t think a 150 MB data collection file after 5 hours of gameplay is critical, in fact it’s pretty light compared to some other games out there.

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Rolling out a very very minor update on the experimental as well as the default branch in response to some achievement related bugs we’ve seen over the past few weeks. Here’s Airport CEO 1.0-45:

Release notes - Project Mercury - 1.0-45


MERCURY-47109 Some achievement does in very rare instances not correctly invoke when reaching the trigger value

We also have some news, unrelated to Airport CEO, to share later today. Stay tuned and keep the blue side up! :slight_smile:


I am a bit confused. The game is still on 1.0-44 in Experimental mode.
Are others having the same issue?

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Unfortunately our build pipeline became sentient last night (as a result of a systems upgrade) and decided to push a random old build to the experimental branch, we’ve now redeployed the -45 version and all should be back to normal!


Congratulations! :smile:

It was working together with ChaosGPT

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I’d say SkyNet but I know that is an actual real system in operations since the '60s

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Hey everyone!

We’ve just pushed Airport CEO 1.0-46 to the experimental branch; this is an unofficial release, hence why I am not including a patch log just yet. This is also a very experimental build that contains a major engine version upgrade, from Unity 2019.4.26f to Unity 2019.4.40f. From a gameplay perspective there is no change and performance will likely be equivalent but we are very interested in hearing about the stability of this build, if its equal to or greater than the current default version.

So if you’re a regular ACEO player who fancies testing out the new game engine version we’d be very interested in hearing about your experience! :slight_smile:

Switching to the experimental build is done by following this guide: The Airport CEO Experimental Branch


Just a side note from the Modding Community

If using one of the 2 CodeBased Mods (Tweaks & Custom Buildable) you need to reeinstall UMF Framework to have it working again.


Hey hey hey! Here’s the official release of Airport CEO 1.0-46, currently deployed on the experimental Steam branch but within an hour or so we’ll toss it over to the default one as well as GOG. Here’s the patch notes:

Release notes - Project Mercury - 1.0-46


MERC-2 Upgraded engine version to Unity 2019.4.40f1

New feature

MERC-12 Support for Epic Games achievements

MERC-22 Migrated bug reporting tool to new Jira instance

MERC-31 Almost any object can now be instantly copied using CTRL + C while hovering on it with the mouse pointer

Edit: The update is now live on all platforms! :slight_smile:


Peoples who use UMF Framework for code based mods need to reeinstall it due to the updated engine version