Airplanes no land when new day start

Hi guys,

I have a little problem, when a new day start i dont now why, but any plane land and PAX(passengers) appear, my airport is a ghost airport, this happend when load this last save. i can see all airport staff etc, but no airplanes. i can see all sheduled flights, and airport is open and rwys, and security etc.

thx guys!

  • Printscreens pls!

  • Did you recently build / change security stations? Try opening / closing them all, same in operations panel (open / close them), are they all manned?

  • Maybe also bugreport your save ;).

Hi again,

nop , I didnt build anything, im was waiting to get more money and i see this,

1 this is un saturday a normal day, u can see aircrafts on the apron and pax on the terminal

2 this is my flights!

3 next day on sunday, some pax arrive. thats all. All pax can use security control, but any aircraft arrive, and i can increase speed and nothing happend.

4 sheduled flights from saturday!

thanks for u help!

point 2

point 3

last point (4)

What happens if you switch over to the experimental branch? Does the issue persist?

1 Like

how i can do this? I know i can press F10 and then?


now is working, can be a bug on stable version¿