About player fines for not departing on time

Following the discussion from Bad Luggage Treatment, and especially @Inspector’s post, together with this topic regarding passenger bags on an aircraft without its owner:

The topics above either discuss baggage handling by staff members or by the airport itself, but further down the line, when multiple things fail regarding boarding/departing on time, I wonder what will happen with the player when aeroplanes don’t leave at the designated time slot? Should the player be fined a random amount of money? Or does the airline’s opinion about flying from the player’s airport decline? Maybe the contract gets annulled when more than three (lol, random number) planes of the same company depart late?

I haven’t really found a good answer/solution to these questions in the devlogs, so this might be an interesting thing to look at since ACEO focusses largely on the business/management part of an airport. What do you think should happen when planes don’t leave on time?

(Putting this in the idea-section since it might contain some eventually…:pray:)


Maybe you can sign different contracts, some fining you, some canceling the contract… Off course it should reduce the airline’s opinion on the airport.

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I would love more depth to contracts in general. There could be terms that add fines for things like delays, or bonuses perhaps if they can depart ahead of schedule.

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Perhaps this can also be used to implement the learning curve: later in the game, you get more complex contracts with different needs or consequences, don’t you think?


Yea that would be a great way to add it in.

I would imagine that the aircraft would depart, in most circumstances, on time. Just without the luggage. The plane is probably needed elsewhere so would depart without people/luggage and with maybe only a small delay.

Sounds good. Maybe there should be a cap on how high your airport reputation can get without taking those higher level difficulty contracts later in the game. So if you want a higher level airport rating, you need to complete the higher level rated contracts which come with higher penalties of course. This could incentivize taking these more difficult tasks, rather than just turtling on to get to the higher airport rep.


Maybe the rating system could include the number of unique destinations served?


I like this idea, because I very much want to see the development of a route network as one possible aim of the game. You want to target the longer distance flights as prestigious milestones (first transatlantic route, first East Asian route…). Numerous short haul flights are great, but just aren’t the same, you’ll want to break into the big leagues and have a Maple flight from Vancouver land on your tarmac.

(obviously longer flights mandate larger aircraft that we’ll have at release but I can see this being an ambition for us as the game develops).

Should the distance of other airports be limited, or the amount of ‘bigger’ planes? Or do you think this is the same?

Well, most airports don’t start with wide body ops. If you look at the small airports of the world, they’re generally served by small regional flights. Flights going to nearby hubs and the like. There probably aren’t many airports that start off with a Boeing 777 to Dubai every day. They work up to that. They’ll usually start with a turboprop (or with the rise of low-cost carriers a B737/A320).

So probably a system that limits distance and passenger numbers to start with that eases off as the airport becomes bigger and more reputable. Not a system that is punitive, but a system that recognises that when you open your doors your first contract won’t be a prestigious long haul flight. So it would make longer distance flights a milestone of sorts.

@pderuiter you always have an opinion about everything; what do you think about this? :slight_smile:

lol, not sure if that’s a compliment :stuck_out_tongue:

afaik, when a plane is late, you will get a message asking if you want the plane to stay longer, so the choice is up to the player.

I do like the idea of both a fine and a reputation hit, but not simultaneously.
Perhaps you first get a fine for the first 3 times, increasing in severity as a percentage of the total worth of the contract, then you loose the contract and take a reputation hit.

This means that in the beginning with small planes you don’t get hit with a hefty fine if the player fails, while still making clear the player has to do better.
Then when the big boys roll in, the player should know what’s going on and will be able to anticipate it. And even if he fails, it’s not immediately disastrous

Of course, it’s a compliment :slight_smile: Us Dutchies need to lookout for each other :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, do you think/know fines will be in the game? I mean… if players don’t get (heavy) fines in the beginning because of their inability to have a great airport/good logistics, what else would be the limiting factor in the game? Reputation? Ability to fix contracts? What do you want?

i am fairly certain there is no fine or reputation hit in the game at this time. I am just as certain that it will be in the final product :slight_smile:

In the beginning you don’t want to punish the player too much. Perhaps the fines could scale with the chosen difficulty as well, where a seasoned player will be punished severely, while a casual player will not be slowed down too much by it.

To be honest i have no idea what the end game will look like.
I see a future for (meaningful) achievements here (i.e. handled 1M pax or something along those lines).
I also think events could come into play here, throwing a wrench in a carefully constructed airport.
Other than that, only time will tell.
The community here is pretty creative from what i’ve seen, so i can’t wait to see what comes of it

I think that the fines should be related to the reason why there is a situation different to normal operation. in example if the plane is late, it’s not up to CEO or airport if the plane arrives late or the airline has messed up. Only if there is something wrong with the airport operation, CEO should be fined. in the other situations, it should be that the airline has to pay more extra for airport because extra management and services.

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