Winglets on Aircrafts - 2D?

Hi community
Hi Dev Team
what do you think about winglets for the aircrafts?

Winglets are really common for aircraft, but make it sense on a 2D?

Cheers and a nice Weekend

Hey there!

I would assume that 2D is restricted in that matter. Please look at the following picture:

The photo is taken from the ground but vice versa would be the same view (more or less).



Check out this topic: Follow the Boeing 737-600 Creation

As you can see, winglets, while subtle, are indeed implemented!

Jup, I see
So the question was awnsered :wink:

Thx :slight_smile:

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In that case I ruin a bit the mood because the Boeing 737-600 never had winglets (also they were offered but not a single frame was delivered that way). Also they are actually a bit more appearent than just a swoosh to the back: picture.

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