Why wont they use the facilities?

Trying to send a bug report on this, but it seems to be stuck on ‘sending bug report’

In any case, I’m having the same problem, only with a new airport. SOME of the staff insist on taking the long way, BUT not all do so.

yes, ingame bug report seems to be broken. It keeps sending, it doesn’t get any timeout. @Olof

This is the pathfinding result. Origin is by the toilets. I’ve deleted every zone except the security zone and a small staff only zone that doesn’t actually touch the exit.

Can we PLEASE get a staff/passenger setting for exits similar to the security checkpoints?

Edit: better that a staff/passenger setting on the exits, a small multi-directional checkpoint that can only be used by staff would be better. Staff really don’t need the big exits.

I’ve tried reworking that area so the ONLY zone is security, and it’s not touching anything other than walls. Pathfinder simply refuses to see it, under any circumstances.

Mark the exit as staff only zone as well to prevent passengers from using it. As of now, passengers may get assignet to that exit and won’t find a valid path.

Also mark the whole blue floor area as staff zone too. Do not leave gaps.

By the way it also makes sense to have a staff room within secure zone where your staff doesn’t have to leave and enter the secure zone all the time. Ramp agents for example do have no job tasks outside secured area. This can save time.

Here a short idea of how it could be setted up with efficient ways for staff.

Also keep in mind which restrooms staff can use and not. After a job task they often select a free toilet stall which can be in a completely different area of the airport. If you only allow restrooms close to the staff rooms, they may use the correct paths and secure exits.

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Did as you suggested for the staff zone. Made no difference at all.

As for having the staff room in the secure zone, my 1st airport did that (see the original post). Had the same problem. Pathfinder tool never sees the exit intended for staff. Yet janitors do seem to use it, but 90% of ramp agents and PSA’s do not.

It has me baffled.

The layout is built with future expansion in mind, and the staff room will actually be quite centralised when the terminal is complete.

Made something similar to your staff room. Pathfinder shows the results.

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