Why Do Pax Not Check In?

Why have so many pax not checked in (middle column)? They’ve arrived at the airport. There are plenty of empty Checkin Desks. What should I be looking for?

Do you have multiple baggage bays?

Normally, I’d guess not enough security checkpoints and not enough bus stops (metro station?)…

But in fact I’m facing similar process-screens, since update…

I made the experience, that just operating 2, 3 or 4 stands at once shows me, if my terminal is working, in general.
when I start to operate more than 5/6 medium stands at once, I end up quite similar, since last update.

Edit: If you provide some screens, we could doublechek possible issues…

Edit2: sidewalks checked? Bathrooms around entrance? Perhaps pax are stuck at bathrooms? Having this very often, now…

Enough Airport Staff to man your Check-In Desks?

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@EG0611 Yes, I have multiple cargo bays.

@sirhc80 Arriving pax are not the problem (the left column shows no problem with arrivals) . a) I have five medium Security Checkpoints. I have four bus stops and a metro. Once they checkin, they quickly process through security. b) You are right about the bathroom bug Hundreds now get stuck in the bathroom. However, they are not pax who need to check in (by selecting the checkin desks, the effected pax are highlighted). There are bathrooms between terminal entry points and the checkin desks. I will eliminate those and see what happens.c) The bus stops are immediately adjacent to the terminal. So, pax enter terminal after stepping off bus.

@Martijn I actually have a surplus. I forgot to mention that in OP.

Thanks for your help. Keep those suggestions coming.

@EG0611 Yes, I have multiple cargo bays.

Check how many stands and how many check-in desks are linked to each bay. Each medium stands need at least 2 check in desks and each small stands need at least 1.

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Why are two Check-In Desks required for each Medium Stand? I ask, because only one Check-in Desk is used to process pax for any specific flight. Or, am I mistaken?

EDIT: Bathrooms removed.

The job task manager is programmed to plan 2 desks per medium stand. That’s just not adjustable.


@dewitjur Hmmm…Did not know that. I will now start a massive Check-in Desk building program.

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@dewitjur Hmmm…Did not know that. I will now start a massive Check-in Desk building program.

Let us know if it works

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Can you share some screenshots that show which stand is connected to which baggage bay and check-in desk?

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