Where do you currently play Airport CEO?

Which continent do you currently play Airport CEO in?

  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Asia
  • Oceania
  • Don’t wish to say

0 voters

Why isn’t Mars an option? :angry:


Because you’re not on Mars

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Yes you are not on Mars @Blackout. Why do you think you are on Mars???

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Btw, If you were on Mars, you wouldn’t care about aviation which means you won’t buy this game.

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lol. How about MARS stands? And, BTW Aviation includes spacecraft so…

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You’re not going to have spacecraft land at you airport, that game is called Spaceport CEO.

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:thinking: What if I launched missiles into space, or inter continental ballistic missiles. Would that be considered aviation? :thinking:

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I think that’s just general aerospace?

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Where do I put panama in the voting options?

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You’ve got ‘Surviving Mars’ for that…

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North America

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Great game

So far I have played in several continents all over the globe. I don’t have one I play it on mostly.

It’s “where are you?”, not “where are your airports?” :laughing:

I somehow highly doubt you’re travelling around the world right now.

Oh, then I misread the question. :rofl: :sweat_smile:

But what is the most used continent for people to build airports in the game?:thinking:

Probably the United States of America, because of its geographic location as well as there are 750 domestic airports, the most I have seen in the game for any country.


I guess that players first choose their closest airport to start with. Then it would be the same result as in the poll above.


I chose the United kingdom or Great Britain for no reason

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