What does this symbol mean?

Everywhere on the game i keep trying to do everything right but i get these strange red symbols every so often with a person with question marks above their head and what looks to be a queue. I’ve been doing my layout to the tutorial specifications although it still occurs.

Another issue is that passengers don’t leave the security check after they have been processed… they just stand there not going to their gate or anything.

Has this plane been hijacked? It says where it came from but not where it’s going to XD

LOL, more mystery trips… It’s close to the South Sudan!!! :laughing:


Is that meant to be normal though or is it seen as a bug? It was part of a contract which is why i would have expected for it to have a destination.

I think it’s bug somewhere in the location data. It’s too close to the ZZZZ appearing when choosing a location for your airport @Fredrik. I still get strange locations, but nothing like South Sudan levels :blush:

Funny thing is it was meant to be a regional flight and I’m sure the Cessna can’t travel that distance without refuelling over 50 times… I don’t even think that’s regional it’s more international.

:rofl: I think so too. Bug report it.

Maybe it is one of them new fangled solar planes :laughing: so the next thing must be sun lamp stands for them to charge :joy:

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symbol means that the security dude can’t get to his workstation …
check the walls and doors :wink:

Is it normal that this shows up when it’s just a blueprint for some foundation though or would that be classed as a bug?

I had a similar problem with ramp agents, when by accident I built a wall
when I demolished wall, it was still zoning … but after correcton it went
so check the zones also
but it’s still security … they should go everywhere … weird …

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Can you re screenshot with zones enabled

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