We can jump into the tower

Well that response is from 9 months before so it is not harmful if community reconsider the idea. :slight_smile:

Not looking it to be a ATC game. Was just an idea to add micromanagement to another level.

Certainly. But why waste the discussion and good comments from back then? :slight_smile:
I wasn’t merging the topic, merely showing you the place where your idea could be combined with what has already been suggested:)

@EG0611 “On the other hand I have an idea. When player zooms into tower; he will hear ATC conversations. Think it as ambience sound from ATC tower which has NO relation with game’s itself. Just something like this would be enough:”

That is exactly what I suggested in another thread. There was an airport management game years ago that had that exact feature and it was “fun” that’s it. Great suggestion!

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Do you mean the actual visual aspect of it? Since the game is 2D I don’t see that being very feasible.

Or did you mean the interface? In which case I agree that would be kind of cool and another level of information, but nothing exceptionally game changing in terms of more information?

Yepp, interface.

Airport Tycoon FTW lol

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I think it would give a cheap feel to the game (if you don’t know that’s not good)

In Airport Tycoon from years ago (thanks @JoninKDEN) the tower was the only 3D view of the game. The rest was 2D.

For ACEO the focus is on getting a playable 2D game out. It was only a future suggestion based on my experience with Airport Tycoon.

If you mean the original airport tycoon/airport Inc. then it was definitely fully 3d, albeit low quality. I own it and I remember it being 3d in every view, not just tower.

If you mean a different game though my apologies!

EDIT: googled and the original is definitely in 3d. If you Google airport tycoon, they’re the pictures that have the old style black pager in the bottom left corner.

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I really enjoyed the ambient ATC audio from that game. Whether it be from inside the tower or when a plane was landing or departing, or just randomly throughout the game play. I think ATC chatter period would be great (WITHIN REASON) As @EG0611 has suggested.


@JoninKDEN @daniel Worst case scenario I can put my iPad with https://www.liveatc.net/ beside me and listen to ATC chatter while I build my dream airport :smiley:

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@Otter actually Fredrik already answered it via Discord :slight_smile:


Duh… Please don’t suggest this feature… It takes away the major focus of game i.e. Management.

And it would require much 3d work. And it’s pretty useless. No working feature. It’s not needed in a game that has many other things to offer in 2d itself.

I see me! Top secret stuff about something else xD


I feel it would be a great game expansion once the game is released, and out of esrly access

They just meant the interface, not the 3D aspect :stuck_out_tongue:

edit> link We can jump into the tower - #12 by daddypig

Oh…oops, my bad :slightly_smiling_face:

@NastyGamer - Managers take coffee breaks and can go watch planes taking off and landing while listening to ATC chatter… watching the fruits of my labour :wink: :smiley:


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