Unmanned desks, security stations

@Devs, you guys are brilliant and have pretty much already implemented all my ideas before I even suggest them. I am hoping that this too is already implemented, but I could not find a post related to this.

In the gameplay vid 2, the security station and the info desk had a small red flashing :mens: symbol to show that it was unmanned. Once staff/security were hired and they took their places and the station was operational, the symbol went off.

In gameplay vid 3, when the passengers arrived, the security were on break, and the security station was not operational (until all 4 security took their place), but at that time, there was no warning to the player that the station was unmanned and therefore not operational.

Would like a flashing symbol/warning so that players can see unoperational desks/stations, and can accordingly hire more staff or change shift lengths or break times.

Thanks, and if this is already resolved, then I apologise for bringing it up again


maybe a small Yellow symbol if it is not operational but staff is asigned to it. So you can make a difference between not stationed at all and partily stationed AND enough personal available to station it in X minutes(game time)


And the option to turn all icons off so one can have a pretty view of ones magnificent feat of management


maybe include that with no menu so it will be nice to take pictures from your airport.

It is possible if you set a key that enable/disable that

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