I would like to share with you some concerns I have regarding pax flow. Below some suggestions to improvement:
Staff airport would work to help people to find new queu less hectic in security check point in order to optimize the flow like in real life.
Also we would be able to build a unboarding aislre would help unboarding passanger access quickly the baggage reclaim area and so om exit airport like in some airports in real life.
Staff airport would help pax in unboarding like in some airporta in real world. Also it would help to start as soon as possible the boarding once staff airport only statitonated in boarding desk after unboarding pax. When you have a huge airport and a hectic flight schedule it ate a good piece of our precisious time to not delay the flight.
Finally I would like to see a stat where the monthly, daily and annualy pax flow is stated. It’s cool to see it to compare our airports with real giants airports. Do you know Paris for example receive yearly more than 70 milion of pax. A lot huh?
Feel free to agre or disagree the idea.
If you like don’t forget to give your like in the post
Let me add; “Pre-path-finding-paths”, make it possible to have a path set by the CEO for undocking / docking passengers as suggestion, so the algorithm can choose to have a pre-specified path.
Just want to add this, but Prison Architect was recently updated with the functionality of setting direction. I think this could be used for queues, boarding / disembarking, etc.
Normally all passangers go directly baggage reclaim area in real life. But when you are in international terminals you have duty free after custom and baggage reclaim. Would be nice if we have distinction between international and national flights.
Normally in real life if you want buy something after unboarding you do it in duty free or in area outside security area. but of course in the game everything doesn’t need to be like in real life.
EDIT: Also you can build bathrooms in this unboarding area. And before baggage reclaim area in real life they have a way out for pax who doesn’t have baggage
I think it can be discussed further as soon as multi flooring is enabled, since this will solve that automatically. Most Airports (at least i know about) do have the upper floor for departures and the lower floor for arrivals. as soon as this is implemented and the airport is designed that way, the pax pathfinding will solve this by itself since arrivals will then “automatically” search the shortest way downstairs and to baggage claim. a separate exit for pax without baggage is not needed (i think) since they will just walk trough baggage claim then.