Trying to re-enable emergencies

Hi - Am loving the game, and the updates; with the most recent emergencies being one of my favourite new features.

Just before the game went Beta I started a new sandbox airport which Im rather attached to, to say the least and at the time set the difficulty level to max and was enjoying the emergencies mixing up gameplay.

With the launch of the Beta however the emergencies seem to have been disabled and whilst I have tried to make a change to the gamedata.json; every time I change the “emergenciesDisabled” from true to false; the game changes it back meaning I don’t get any emergencies.


Am I missing another variable somewhere to re-enable emergencies, or am I best admitting defeat and rebuilding the airport in a new file?

Thanks in advance.

Thats not the path to go I think

Set difficulty to 3.

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The false value is correct. But there is a bug that changes it back to “true” as soon as you enter the F10 menu. I think this should get solved as I’ve seen it on Trello.

So change it again to “false” and then don’t use F10 anymore until it’s fixed.

(Works on my sandbox save now since days)

Ah… it’s already deployed on Experimental. So when you play the default mode, it comes with Beta 2 approx. next Wednesday.


Ah fantastic. Thanks for the info - much appreciated

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