Tilt Trays, how to properly set up?

I’m having some issues with getting tilt trays and check-in desk to function correctly.

So I have 3 baggage bays that are independent from each other, with their own set of check-in desk. In the past I tried to connect all check-in desk together, and a tilt tray with connections to each baggage bay.

But it seems like that didn’t work, with pathfinding errors starting to pop up everywhere. The baggage claim areas seem to work perfectly with the tilt trays though. Is it possible to have a check-in desk connected to multiple baggage bays?

No, a check-in desk can only be connected to one baggage bay.

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Thanks, I have another question, is it possible to connect multiple baggage claim areas to a single baggage bay?

Yes it is. That’s where I employ my tilt trays. My current design usually has 3-4 belts sharing a bay, and 6-8gates sharing the same bays

Correct, but the split of the incoming bags is very random. It can be that all flights will be routed to the same claim area. So do not wonder when some of the the claims aren’t in use all the time.

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It can make more sense, space permitting, to have less baggage reclaim areas but make them bigger on the basis the distribution of multi claim areas is currently not too great. So one large reclaim can be better than 2-3 smaller :slight_smile: it is mostly a visual rather than function matter

Yes, one large claim is more functional for the game, but it looks wrong when you know how it works in RL.

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