The Airport CEO Airline Design Contest is the first opportunity you as a player have to implement your own airline into the game! The winner, or winners (if we get several good submissions), of the design contest will receive a free copy of Airport CEO and a special honorary forum badge (if you are a forum member). We will pick the most suitable designs and then allow the community to vote for their best designs. Voting will take place on the Airport CEO forum.
The design contest is now closed. Thank you to all that submitted their design!
Come up with an airline name and story that you think might fit in the game. Your story should cover whether it is a cheap, normal or expensive airline, its size in regards to domestic or international flights and examples of aircraft models it may operate as well as a brief text on the airline’s history.
Download the design template and apply the airline’s typical livery design. We strongly recommend using Adobe Photoshop (trial version can be obtained) or Illustrator and upload the design as a .psd file, however, we do welcome other formats as well.
Design an accompanying airline logo and add it into the designated logo box in the template.
Input your data in this form, upload your design and accept the Terms and Conditions.
(Optional) Post your design in the forum thread.
NOTICE: If using Adobe Photoshop or similar, do not rasterize your input graphics. If your submission wins we must be able to copy your design and adapt the elements to fit other aircraft models. Also, if importing images, keep in mind that the template is half the size of the texture used in-game.
Apoapsis Studios reserves the right to announce none, multiple or any winners and is not obliged to follow the jury decision. Any decisions made by the jury or Apoapsis Studios cannot be appealed
Edit: come to think of it: i think it’s like this:
If you use i.e. paint, you get a gridlike image, where each dot is a color. While they want a fluid image. When you enlarge an image that is girdlike, you get big ugly dots, while the fluid image remains sharp
Think positive! Rasterize is when you convert graphic from vector based to pixel based. It is recommended that you keep any graphics in the un-rasterized form if possible.
This is a great idea! I will definitely be attempting this, though I’m not sure my graphics design skills will be up to par. Can we submit a picture made in “Paint”? Lol
Hmm interesting I have no experience with photoshop but I’m off work and have a few ideas… might give it a go! Nothing to lose (apart from my reputation!)
Not really, if you want to submit more ideas please go ahead, but since there will be a community vote, quality is probably preferred over quantity. Also we will not guarantee that all designs will be up for voting as we will have to do the initial sorting.
I have 2 ideas to submit, one is for maldair a fsxse community I am an early member lf which has a full kit for making your own liveries with what Tim the founder used and the other idea my virtual airline Jeteasy that never really took-off