Terrain Option at the Edges of Playable Area

Feature request title:

Terrain Option at the Edges of Playable Area


An option before starting the game that you can choose which sides of playable map will have sea or land. This idea came while I was thinking on Simcity 3000. This option may lead to more realistic or more challenging gameplay.

Why it should be implemented:


Images, references or additional content:

Once we get larger areas to build on, I think it would be nice (before this it would be too annoying to even limit the space further).
There could even be a R&D option to enable moving a river underground (up to a certain width) and free the ground for building, or alternatively creating bridges.
I think however that those features would be too much for the 1.0 release.


Yes, should make game play a little bit more challenging, I wish it used real terrain data from region, when you make airport in alps you can only make little altiport, spawn at ocean it spawns you on water and you make your own artificial island for airport (gives you more money when you spawn on ocean to build island)

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