Had a thought on pathway/system (baggage, taxiway, etc) testing.
To me it would be good to be able to test any of the systems before going live. Airports do this with any new construction to ensure the system operates correctly.
As well, a status screen, for example, of the baggage system could be useful, especially as airports grow. When I worked at DFW, we had a baggage control room which mapped our all of the inbound, outbound, and transfer belt systems.
What I do is when I fully construct sub systems like baggage, carts, fuel, I place 1 small stand and I assign 1 commercial cessna flight. If system works, then I deconstruct it amd build actual stands.
Was also thinking it would be cool to have a"Plan" mode, so you can design the whole airport before building. It could also enable the ability to design the end to end vision, but only build it in phases. Similar to how airports create a 20-30 year master plan.
Well you can always “plan” but by but by dismissing contractors when you just want to plan and calling in contractors when you want things built. I know it’s a bit of a crude workaround but I’m sure a planning took will come soon