Sub-Forum Proposal

Ok, this may seem a little extreme, but I would like to propose making sub-forums for ACEO. The main page is getting very cluttered up, and there are so many topics that are against the rules. With so many new ACEO fans joining the forum, and mistakenly reviving 5 month old threads (I do this too sometimes :confused:), the forum is just too crowded to be in one area. Therefore, I think each category should get its own sub-forum, and there would be a central home page where you could go to each sub-forum. However, the devs should not put improving the forum before improving the game, and I probably complain too much as the forum is already pretty good. :slight_smile:


There are sub categories. On the main page, at the top, click on the ā€œAll categoriesā€ button and select the ones you want to view.

Although I think we need a few more categories and potentially some forum moderators to help organise things correctly.

Forum moderators are a great idea! I cannot believe that I did not think of that before! :wink: More categories would be good, as some of them are very well used.

I donā€™t think a separate forum for each category would work too well, would be hard to keep track of everything. I think having moderators (or similar) would be a good idea, and would take the hassle from the deva of closing topics etc.

If you want to look at one category, you can select it and only see topics in a catgory

ā€˜Currently the forum isnā€™t big enough for having more Forum moderatorsā€™- word from the Dev

And even i agree with itā€¦ two moderators are enough for nowā€¦ as you can see sometimes the forum does stay silentā€¦ meaning forum is still small.

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Yeah, but it is still growing rapidly, and the Ideas category really needs to be split into 2, one for operation, and economy and one for just plain ideas. As the forum grows, we will need more categories and moderators

Ideas is currently split into 4 topics:

Airport Operations
Aircrafts & Vehicles
Passengers & Employees

Yeah, but they are all in the same sub-forum, and it is way too overcrowded.

According to me, we will just need one category after release:

  • Bug Reporting. Thats itā€¦ everything else already included.

@Ryan Can u explain to me what is a sub forum??

It is a main entry page, but different categories within it. The ideas one is way too over-crowded.

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