Staff access to gates

Hello, so i’ve built a new airport. Will try and make this short.
You first place a stand, that stand will delete two wall tiles at floor 0 if it’s adjacent to a terminal building. So staff can go to and from that stand.

But when you upgrade the stand with Jetway, it now attaches to floor 1.
As seen in the picture, the gap in the wall is still under the gate, at floor 0.

I first thought this was a patching issue, i put walls in all the gate gaps.
Turns out that when an aircraft came, it said. Staff can’t reach their work place.
So i then put that gap back, and also made that little isle next to the gates, and made it accessible for staff.
Now it works.

So my idea, if possible is that instead of staff having to be on floor 0 to reach the gate. They would actually be able to use the stair that is on the actually gate. That would be awesome.
I do see a lot of potential about using floor 0 for staff ofc.

Does it work when you close the gab on level 0 and place a door somewhere else in the wall?

It looks kind of strange to see the jet way go through the wall when it’s actually the level above it’s connected…

I also think level 0 is for a large part preserved for staff in this occasion and arriving passengers on the other hand. I’m also testing how to make those things match.

A whole new dimension in the game. :slight_smile:

I could put i a door, guess that would look nicer. And yeah that works, have not tested it fully, but the only impact is that they have to go out via the next gate, so longer to walk.

Having staff use that stairs would be nice indeed. Another Idea would be letting service cars transport ramp agents to terminal attached stands as well.

That would also be really cool. The staff should have all the options and the decide what is best depending where they are summoned from :slight_smile:

Staff shouldn’t have the option to chose themselvesthough, the AirportCEO (player) is in charge after all.

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Hahahah, yeah i would love to decide, or see that everyone has to ask the CEO, Like this.

Ramp Agent. - what should i do now?
CEO- Hmm, go to gate 12, i need one more staff there.
RA - Yes boss, how do you want me to travel to gate 12.
CEO - Mm, how about you walk? To long, take this golf cart. Park it at the entrance of gate 10, then run to gate 12.

NEXT - Security comes in.
I have a dude that walked thru the metal detector and it made a beep. I scanned him with my hand held device, sorry for not asking first. Something is fishy here. I want to frisk him, can i do that?

Don’t know if this what you ment :slight_smile: But this popped up in my head as soon as i read what you wrote, i just had to share. Hope you see this as funny as i do. Just imagine the line out of the office. :smiley:

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I think I have suggested the use of the stairs on the jetway for the staff. I feel like it isn’t going to happen anytime soon with the ambitious development of the turnaround services, which they are working diligently on.

What i meant is staff doesn’t make the choice of how you design a stand to be accessed. You either make it accessible from the terminal or make it accessed by service car. The access wether he uses the stairs on the jetbridge or a door on the ground floor would then be how you design it…

Yeah true :slight_smile: I follow.

Wish the jetways weren’t visible from the ground floor as well

The access wether he uses the stairs on the jetbridge or a door on the ground floor would then be how you design it…

Let them spawn on jetway stairs and go down or up. Same can be applied to passengers of ATR, BAE, CRJ planes that are parked to jetway stand. 2 birds 1 stone :wink:

You either make it accessible from the terminal or make it accessed by service car.

I would go and make all stands service car accessible so ramp agents won’t walk in terminal. Unfortunalety you can’t link jetway or terminal side remote stands to service car stop :frowning:

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