Some planes have exceptionally slow taxi speed?

Hi there,

Just wondering why on occasions there comes alone a plane that taxis to the stand at an excruciatingly slow speed.
Is that intentional just to make sure that the player has alternative taxi routes? Or is it a bug. Hard to tell in Alpha sometimes lol.

Thanks in advance!

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I got the same thing.

This is a bug. Looking into it

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Try to save an load again. Worked for me

Not every plane does taxi with the same speed :smile:

Some planes just get confused and report a blocked path when there’s nothing in their way.

Good idea, I’ll try that if it happens. Really ruins the entire day schedule when it happens, lol.

I think I might have solved it. It is very rare and solves upon load so hard to test. Fix should be included in next update.


Thanks Fredrik, that’ll be brilliant!

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