Some ideas for this game

You have some nice ideas there! :slight_smile:

  1. Would be cool to see, but shouldn’t be a priority for a while - lots of other things should be implemented first.

  2. This has been discussed a lot - dig your teeth in!

  1. Both of these have been discussed - with multiple floors being developed as we speak! Check these out:

  1. I don’t know if I agree with this. Although it is an interesting idea, I don’t think it would add a lot to gameplay considering refuel stops are usually not requested within the few hours before the flight is wanting to land, so it would be very similar to current scheduling.

Well, there you go. It is worth noting that the forum has a lot - and I mean a lot - of threads, so it’s always useful to search about for the feature that is on your mind. :slight_smile:

Keep the good ideas rolling in though! :grinning: