Anybody else having problems with passengers getting stuck after the last update?
This is fixed in the 22.2 experimental branch of the game
Yes my passengers got stuck after visiting the check in desk. Nothing I did helped. Submitted a bug report.
We’ll have a look at it immediately!
Thank you. Couldnt find the output file. Love the game. The pathfinding bugs have killed every one of my games to date so thats frustrating but its part of it and hopefully it helps you all fix things.
I just updated to the experimental version and I still have the same issue. However when I say that, I mean I load the save and the people are still stuck. So I can only assume I have to scrap all I have done and start over.
Yes, this issue is completely new (although we have seen other situations where this have occurred but those have been solved). Looking at it now.
Ah got ya, in that case I am happy it happened so yall can get it fixed. Thank you so much for all your efforts and quick responses.
Us too, it’s great when you have a concrete example of a bug, makes it a lot easier to solve. Thanks for ur patience
It seems like they are getting stuck after interacting with an object. I have over 100 passengers stuck near gate seating, security, boarding, check-in, and in bathrooms. On the plus side (if you want to consider it a plus since it is lost money) they seem to get unstuck once their plane leaves or the clock hits 2200.
Do you have the same form of stuckness of are they walking around?
I have a quick update regarding this bug: It is due to a pathfinding error with the security that is zoned as secure all the way (it should border an unsecure and secure zone). If you build the queue so that it is in an unsecure area, your passengers will walk again. Will push a behavioral fix for this in the next update.
Had the problem with someone who started boarding (stood after the gate on its way to the plane). I dismissed the plane an the person stood on the stand and did not move. Save/load didn
t help.
Olof this response isn’t in regards to my issue or is it?
It is! Sorry for being unclear.
Sorry I don’t understand your explanation. The desk that use to be there was a Check in Desk, those do not have to border Secure and unsecure areas correct?
I thought that Security Check stations had to be placed in Secure areas and stick out into unsecure areas.
Or are you staying that my existing Security Check station was completely in a secure area and that caused the pathfinding issue where the check in stations were located? (That might make some sense since I changed the security of the area when I was trying to make some changes to my airport).
Just make sure that the last queue point for the security checkpoint queue is in an unsecure zone area. But we’re deploying the fix for this really soon and the result will be that passengers don’t go to that security checkpoint.
Yeah the security check in was build right and then I realized I didn’t have enough space in the Secure zone for passengers to get by so I was working on increasing the size of the secure zone and was going to move walls and things around. Guess when I made the previous area a secure zone from an unsecure zone that accidently covered my entire security check in.
Sorry about that, I didn’t even think about that causing problems because I was about to demolish and rebuild the security check in. If I would have I am assuming the passengers would have started walking again and I wouldn’t have had to bother yall.
No, it’s great that you bothered us, now there’s code in there so that it can’t happen again!
Thanks, happy my mistakes are helping others out. I could excel that doing that for a full time job.