Small Airfield Tutorial Issue

Hello there, first of all a big thanks to you guys (the developers) for making and active development of this (alpha) game.

I have a problem with the Small Airfield tutorial, On all of my savegames it say’s that i didn’t compete the “Build service road and connect from vehicle checkpoint to stands”.

I then tried to start a new game and went through all the Tutorial steps in the order stated but i still don’t get green light on this item of the tutorial even though i have a working airport with a connection from the service road to the service road through a checkpoint.

Hey there and welcome to the forums :slight_smile:
Sometimes it doesn’t recognize that you built it, so what i did was remove a bit of service road and rebuilt it. That worked for me.

Same problem here.
And deleting the objects and roads and rebuilding didn’t work here.

There been a hot fix pushed out which solves this problem :slight_smile: