Service Roads won't connect?!?!

Could someone point me how to connect. As you can see I’ve been re-arranging trying o make it would. I’m completely baffled by this! Any help would be appreciated (Sorry that its at night!!)

I can see nothing… :joy: Better skip to day and make a new screenshot…

I thought it would be an issue… I’ll upload a new one

So this one you should be able to see? I just can’t make sense of this!!

Ben, is that service road? It looks like normal road, and that will never connect :slight_smile:

Its a Asphalt service road

Apparently its a bug, anybody?? :slight_smile:

Are you sure that’s service road? I don’t see any markings. It looks like tarmac.

EDIT. Ignore comment. I see over at Steam people having the same problem.

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