Service road built with Stand......why?

I agree it would probably make life easier if you simply attached the stand to the road, but it would mean medium stands have to check that there is a terminal foundation immediately opposite the road for the jetway to attach to.

So? :slight_smile:

Not a complaint, just a reminder.

The system could just stop you building too close to terminal buildings, in a similar way that gate seating does. Then only allowing you to build service road in the space immediately behind it.

With the implementation of one-way roads I would like to bump this topic.

Being able to decide how the stands connect to the road would be awesome. An example of how this works with remote stands is Schiphol, the A and B platform have one-way serviceroads around the stands.

Possible implementation would be the option to build stands without serviceroads that are able to connect on the ‘front’ and possibly even the ‘rear’ of the stand to serviceroads.

Another option would be adding the ability to set the direction of the pre-built serviceroads.

The only time I’m disturbed by the prebuilt roadside is when building remote stands. if i want to build them “face to face” i only want two lanes in between, not four. I sugest the possibility that if you build a stand, it recognizes the road and you can overlap the stands.

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I’d like to see them like the de-ice pads, where it shows where the service road connections must be. For stands, that connection could be the same place as now (on the terminal side only) to not require any or much change to on-stand pathing. But it would allow a single service road to service remote stands on both sides, or even one way service roads, or single lane service roads.

Ideally I’d like to see the ability to connect either on terminal side or Apron side - maybe with connector nodes shown and the connection is satisfied if one is connected. However, I suspect they may create a lot of work on the code side of things.

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It would be nice to have the option to have a service road on remote stands, this would enable back to back construction. For stands directly attached to a terminal, the current system makes the most sense.

Devs said it’s planned to separate roads from stands I think.


However, things are always subject to change.


I missed this! This makes a lot more sense, and aswers some of the question I had in another topic today.

Thank you @Rubble!


I completely missed that post as well. My bad. So are we going to actually see these changes in Beta 33?

I have no idea and things are always, as you know, subject to change.

Of course, I get that. I’m just curious if they’ve implemented this with the B33 Big birds. So @Olof any news on this part?

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That “very likely” was not likely enough, all roads are still attached and there will be no super large stand (doesn’t make any sense from a gameplay perspective). Things may change in the future but for now we’ve not made room for a dedicated effort of removing the roads.


As it is voting season again I would like to trow the option of ‘roadless’ stands in the mix again.

Separating roads from stands would make it possible to operate one way service roads or even dual service roads as you can see in larger airports these days.

is it possible to remove half the road? so on the stands its only one lane? this enables us to build stands “face 2 face” without having a four lane road inbetween

Edit: Also would be nice to be able to connect the taxiwayline on both front and back of the stand. that would enable “drive through stands”


Might the airplane stand overhaul discussed in this topic be something to consider on the roadmap for one of the beta sprints?

all I can say, user should have the power to add, and to adjust areas around stand and within as he sees fit, even location and connection point for the jetways, or the power generators (power generators could use some animation and operators to them too).

I would suggest making a primary stand with just the airplane area, and then upgrades can be added around it, with the user being able to expand stand up to the point when all things modern airport has are included…