Security Connexion (0.21.11)

I have a problem with the security connections since the last update.
My airport worked very well before that.

This problem has appeared with the update, I do not find out what this is about.
I do not know if this is related but I no longer have my 2 medium stand in my flight planner, just 3 small stand.

Cordially, Cameina

Could you please provide a sctlreenshot showing the way from point of arrival to checkin counter to security check point to gate?

Yes, sure.

Can you try save/re-load, maybe the zone is not being updated correctly.

No change.
Can the backup be corrupted with the patch?

Hmm ok, we have not done any changes to this in the last patch. Can you try and zone the area as secure again (including the walls)?

That has not changed anything.

The checkpoint is good though …

the terminal area is not actually secure

If you look at this picture, in -between the stands the area is not secure. What you have done is just zoned the stands and security checkpoint and exit as secure. (correct me if wrong!)
You need to zone the entire departure lounge as secure instead of just the checkpoints boarding desks exits and stands:
This outlined area needs to be zoned secure!

It is in a secure area where I misunderstood a few things

Oh i see now, just didn’t look closely enough.

Check If you have a wall hidden underneath the Jetway next to the terminal, if you do destroy the walll and zone the area secure!

Nothing :frowning:

My 2 medium stand are no longer even in the flight planner, while the plane has arrived.