Security and Stands are Not Working

I was making an airport, and then I was trying to put the flights on the planner, and it wouldn’t work so then I saw that the security and stands hade to be connected but there a no options to connect it. Can anyone help me?

Stab in the dark, but check that the area on the secure side is zoned properly as secure and that you have employed a security staff member.

stands then need to be connected to a boarding desk

I don’t understand

hopefully someone can explain it better than me - otherwise i would recommend looking at a video on youtube

For a large security zone, you need 4 security officers. Make sure you hired enough. Also, the entire security desk must be in a secure zone, except for the green dot, which should be in an unzoned area (leading from the enterance of your airport).


I think you link the stand to the security station, try that direction.

That happened to me, but I could get it working.

At first, this message came up.

I had enough security on my security stand and everything “connectable” on the stand was right.

I had to zone a “secure zone” (the red one) from the security stand to the boarding desk itself.
In other words, the path a passenger takes after the security stand until the boarding desk needs to be zoned as “secure”.

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