Seasons should be in the game, why? Because they are a huge part of the year. Many airports get jammed pack in Summer, while receiving little traffic in Winter. (Holidays) However, if this isn’t the case for airports in AirportCEO, or it hasn’t been added then the idea of adding seasonal weather depending on your area. For example, if you decide to put your airport in Ireland you will get mild wet winters with the occasional frost or fog also throwing in a storm (which is quite common), and warmer still wet Summers. If you want to put your airport in Estonia or any other place with a very seasonal climate then expect cold, frosty foggy Winters with warm Summers which greatly effects your airport.
This means that:
In Winter, depending on your location you need to deice planes. Extreme fog during the morning will delay flights, and these delayed flights will arrive when the fog has cleared mid-day. Snow will need snow-ploughs to get rid of the snow on the tarmacs, if its a very snowy and cold day then you will get more delayed passengers.
In Spring, you no longer need to worry about these things that much (You can get snow and ice in Spring) The trees sprout out of their dormant state.
In Summer, you are playing the game normally. This is probably where you should start off in AirportCeo.
In Autumn, you could get storms depending on your location, wet and windy may cause delays. The arrival of winter will mean more fog, frost and snow (depending on location) meaning your expenses will be driven up by snow-ploughs and de-icing costs.
In Summary:
Winter: Snow, ice, fog, frost, de-icing, snow-ploughs and delayed passengers (depends)
Spring: Sun, fog, trees and grass go greener
Summer: Normal game
Autumn: Windy, wet and sometimes foggy