San Fernando AP

My own little airport airside… mega structures to follow


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For a second I though you mixed the forums of games due to shiny green background :roll_eyes:

Nice design but I prefer to warn you in advance:

  1. Where you will place Vehicle depot, fuel depot, baggage bay?
  2. I don’t see any room for check-in and baggage claim areas.
  3. 1 taxiway for 10 airplanes would be crowded. I suggest you to make a fully parallel taxiway and partially parallel ramp taxiway for stands.
  4. Soon remote stands will be implemented so you should make prerarations for them.
  5. I don’t see any bathroom, food and shop areas.
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Well noted Sir,

I’ll make sure to do that you have listed.

Also how do I get about updates like remote stands etc.

All the best,

Nino D.



Also how do I get about updates like remote stands etc.

Updates are in development right now and I think it takes at least a month to be published.

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Evening CEO’s

finally 6 Gates in operations left wing - 6 on standby, once I get to figure out how the baggage systems works.

Simple Airport Structure :slight_smile:


Hola NinoD, soy de Argentina y te quiero preguntar si me puedes enseñar en castellano cómo hacer un aeropuerto simple y desde ahí partir para que yo pueda mejorar en el juego. Saludos! :grinning: