Having just watched the videos, the runway use logic appears flawed as aircraft do not line up and wait or reach short final with another aircraft on the runway which is in practice what is done to maximise capacity.
For an illustration may I suggest this link of LGW (watch at peak times)
Obviously, in LVPs the separation increases and the flow decreases but that is another matter.
This then leads to rapid exit taxiways (we take these with the rudder before changing to the tiller) at about 40-50knots typically before slowing and stopping clear of the runway. This further helps to increase capacity. The shallower the RET divergence the higher the exit speed.
For the wall of text and numbers (I hope the link works) see para 2.20 in here
Excellent points. In the video i dind’t really think the traffic was so heavy as to put the planes at minimum separation
Then again, it might also give you an incentive to train your atc…more training, more use of capacity?
Welcome to the forum. I just want to highlight that I have been a fan of MS FS since 98 and even been an aspiring glider pilot (never took a cert though), so it is not like we are not aware of the “flaws” in the ATC. I have even flown to EGKK a few times in the simulator.
All in all we are very well aware that things like position and hold is not implemented, same for the 180 turn, which got so much attention. The thing is that the current system does only support 1 aircraft to enter and use the runway at a time. This is intentional as it gets immensely more complex to extend that functionality, I even tried to implement it but realized it was not worth spending time on at this stage. Like I said before, there is a reason that human control this in real life. However, it is of course fully doable, we just need a few days of re-design the system, implementation and testing. So about one week to implement because of the limited time we can spend on Airport CEO. We then have a choice, delay the release or wait until we go into pre-alpha.
Isn’t that the idea of early release? get the functionality of the game up and running then make the improvements.
Its looking amazing from both the videos, I cannot wait to jump in and get started… and so be it if only 1 aircraft can use the runway for the time being I might have to come up with a better plan… anyhow good work guys