Road Lane Directionality

I would like to see the ability to specify the direction of traffic flow of Roads and Service Roads. This would allow for one-way roads, single lane roads for clockwise or counterclockwise movement, multi (>2-lane) roads where each lane can be given an allowed direction, etc.


Very nice idea, you’re not the first to think of it :slight_smile:
I think the challenge here would be how to keep a balance between being able to decide every little thing yourself, and how much the game should be able to do it.
Personally i would like the game to be able to handle 90% of the situations, and later on add these options for the power users who want something really different :slight_smile:

But we aren’t there yet of course, at this time the game does a pretty good attempt at figuring out what you want, but it’s not at that 90% yet

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