Real strikes in the games?

English-> there will be strikes in the game? as it happens in real life? it would be a challenge: D

Svenska → kommer det finnas strejk i spelet? som det händer i verlkigheten? det skulle va en utmaning :smiley:


I’d like to see this as a consequence of treating your staff poorly - if you underpay your staff considerably they’ll walk. Sounds a good idea, because otherwise you would just end up being able to pay your employees below the poverty line and there’d be no repercussions.

That said, I don’t want a situation with aggressive unions coming to me with a huge list of demands. This is not an employment relations simulator, so I think it’s best to keep strikes as a consequence of mistreating your staff rather than focussing too much on complex negotiations around contracts and whatnot.


it is not impossible with the strike of the flights at the airport, we build on. Imagine the pain day life. how would that affect the airport which is approached you? all departures will not be canceled due to the strike. :slight_smile:

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There would be many factors to, like delays and cancelations of flights, some services not or operating at a reduced efficiency. Similarly, protests about noise and regular pollution, ect.

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