Ramp agents not going to remote stands


for some reason my ramp agents aren’t reaching remote stands.

Many ramp agents are just standing around in the terminal

Here are the different zones at the airport

Ramp agent staff room and baggage handling system

the remote stands with the problem

closer look at the stands in question.

i don’t know whats wrong, help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance, jens


The service car stops need to be attached to the building (same way you did it with the remote bus stop). So that they can go to the service car stop and take the car to the assigned remote gate.

may I ask where I should but the service car stop and how to connect it?

Actually you built service car stops next to the remote gates, you can remove them and place them direct at the building (same as your bus stops).
Build a door and make sure it’s marked as secure zone if you have placed them in the secure area.

To connect the gate to a service car stop, click on the gate. There is a button to connect the service car stop.
You can connect several gates to the same stop.

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ill try that, thanks for your help!

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