Ramp Agents Going Around in Circles

Hi All
I am playing the latest experimental branch off steam and have a problem whereby the ramp agents don’t go to the gate but instead go on a continuous circle between security and the secure exits. I am currently perplexed as to what is going on or if I have made a mistake somewhere.
My save game file is located here: Dropbox - Southampton.zip - Simplify your life

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Did you somehow mark secure exit and/or security station “Staff Area” ?

I hadn’t, interestingly when I reloaded the save everything started working as it should. Very odd, I will see if I can repeat the steps and put a bug report in if I can.

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Hmm, does your uploaded folder contain log files? Or do you have them anywhere else to look at?

Hi Olof, where would I find the log files? This appears to be happening to me in different airports I have been creating with often a game save and load rectifying it as if it is resetting something.