Pushback tug (incl render of idea)

Goodmorning everyone,

Although I’m sure the developers already thought about this.
I still like to share my idea of having pushback tugs and tractors.

(render is work in progress, doesn’t contain any textures or details)

And actually thinking about this in more depth, there should be different tiers (and they should be orderable from the vehicle storage housing -for easy access-):

Starting with a cheap slow tug and while you advance or have more money, better vehicles should get available.
Ranging from a small tug to a full size truck.

Model in render is based on:

But the more money you have, the better they get:


Cute :heart_eyes:

But you know, different types of aircrafts can use different tugs. For example GA can use baggage carts, small aircrafts can use something advance like your first design and medium aircrafts can use the one on KLM photo.

Although yur tug looks awesome!

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Definitely, so the idea is to have different types of tugs for different airplanes.

Like if you “ordered” a small tug, you won’t be able to sign a contract for a Boeing 747 as you are required to have a certain tug (i guess you won’t tug a 747 with the small tug i made, or even smaller!?)

With these renders, would you be able to convert them somehow to 2D sprites to make it fit with the game format a bit better? I know nothing about graphic design so I’m just curious, they look great!

fyi the developers have said that these will eventually make the game, they’ve been asked for may times :slight_smile:

God i hope the developers will add a (lite) ECS implementation.
Would give us so much flexibility…
But performance is an issue :confused:

To be honest i have no idea.
I would assume all they need is a top picture right?
Seeing as its 2d, you can use 1 picture of the top as sprite and then rotate the sprite ingame?

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That’s how it would work yes.
Add some custom image to put over it and you have customizable tugs :slight_smile:

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I think this way it looks more like @Fredrik’s style for ACEO :slight_smile:


I would love to see 2 tiers of pushback vehicles. One for medium aircraft, and the better version like you suggested for the large aircraft.

In action render


Now show it with the fake 747 and see how many people ask how you got them in your game.


Lol! So true!

Wow. Amazing! How did you get to become so good? Are there any videos guides or websites you can give me that could lead me in the right direction?

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