I love this game, I think it’s great, and like many, when you start reaching 1500+ passengers this game slows down tremendously.
The same thing happened in prison architect. And I read this all had to do because of all the calculations that had to be made for every moving part in the game from passengers to planes.
Fine, okay… how do we reduce the number of calculations required so the game can continue to function normally?
I thought to myself this morning, how much do I really care about knowing about each individual passenger? I love building airports!!
I also thought that regardless of what I do my airport, X amount of passengers are going to show up and fly. My airport has nothing to do with how many passengers the airlines attract!
So! In the interest of wanting to build an airport and focus on scheduling planes, runways, logistics, why don’t we, after we reach a certain size combine all the passengers for one flight into one massive passenger.
It takes this passenger say 150x (assuming the planes holdsbut150 people) more time to check in, and to pass through security.
Now the program is processing 1 passenger per flight. To compensate for all the other parts of the game. This one passenger could carry 300 bags, require 7 bus trips to actually arrive, spend obscene amounts at food and stores, and take forever to bored. You can even increase the size of the passenger to match how many are on the plane.
I would much rather build an airport to manage 500 airplanes rather than see 500 little heads running around my airport.
There’s my two cents and it doesn’t require a massive amount of programming. Just parameter changes.