I have Lenovo Yoga 510 laptop
- i5 cpu
- 2GB ATI Radeon graphics card (dedicated to game)
- 4 GB RAM
and I have 3.2 FPS with 12-13 stands, lots of passenger, lots of check-in desks
I have Lenovo Yoga 510 laptop
and I have 3.2 FPS with 12-13 stands, lots of passenger, lots of check-in desks
Actually sounds pretty good for how much you have.
Are devs planning any performance upgrade?
After reaching more than 5000 passengers, game speed is critically low
p.s. Anyway - great game till I built large airport
We are of course planning performance fixes, there are a number of different stuff we’re going to look at but for scalability reasons we want to get rid of all critical deadlocks and other stuff before looking at performance. We need to have fully functional minor airports before optimizing for large ones, that’s the dev strategy at least.
Great! Keep up the good work
Dear Olof,
first of all, I love your game and I think it could have an unbelievable potential.
BUT: IMHO you are just making a big mistake by NOT focussing on performance of the late game:
I think I’ve played most of all “important” economic simulation games for the last decades.
And sonner or later I ALWAYS came to a point where performance made the in-game expansion impossible, because game became unplayable.
That’s the reason why i don’t play Cities skylines any more, because i can’t build REALLY BIG cities.
Same with CiM, Train/Transport Fever, Tropico, Project Highrise, RCT, …
Prison architect is one of the best, latest examples:
In EA-phase max. playable prisoner-count was about 500. After making several performance improvements now max playable prisoner-count is about 1500.
So improvement was really impressive, as playable agents-count was at least tripled - but there would be enough space (in-game) to build prisons for 3000 or more prisoners. And handling huge amounts of prisoners is my favourite challenge.
As I generally want to build “worlds” as big as possible, in games like this.
So back to your game:
At the moment my biggest working airport has 24 medium stands (commercial) and about 20+ small stand (GA). I am not able to run this airport completely, for now, as from about >1500 passengers in my airport the game gets extremely slow, from ~4500 passengers on it’s absolutely unplayable.
I think, if I would schedule all flights possible to all my 24 stands I had at least 8000+ passengers in my airport. That’s not too much, I think.
And I’m only using “one tile”, as land expansion is planned.
There are no “big planes” implemented, yet.
There will be many more services, like passport control, ground handling, and many more - this will be many additional “agents” to be calculated, too
As I’ve read you are using the same engine as cities skylines and prison architect, I’m afraid you will have same limitations. After already struggeling now, with quite low amounts of passengers, that will be fatal for your game, finally.
So at the moment I’m afraid that your game will never be able to handle a real huge airport. In fact, I am quite sure that realistic passenger amounts (50k-100k per day) will never be possible in this game.
But what I’d expect from this game is to be abel to build (and run!) an airport that can handle at least 10k, better 20k, passengers a day. Without lagging. Of course not now, or tomorrow, but when the game is finally released and performance is tuned to the max.
So I kindly ask you to give me your opinion, if that is realistic, or not.
Do you have any idea about any theoretical “agents limit” in your game?
Any idea, what could be a max passenger amount, in the future?
I agree completely. I would love them to be able to double or triple total agents without getting a noticeable drop in FPS. 8k passengers should be doable at least on middle of the road PCs. I bet they do some optimization before getting too deep into features as a clean code has to be a lot easier to add to than a messy one, and also is probably easier when there is less to work with.
I’m afraid I’ll kill my wife’s mac if I go bigger than what I have right now… it already brings my windows laptop to a screeching halt… memory management for the larger airports will most assuredly become a thing to prevent this game from becoming a super computer only engine.
It took me 18 hours to figure out how to blow it up. The last 6 were used in building a monster airport. There are times when the food court is nothing but green blurs… It’s an amazing game, but if it comes to a screeching halt… it’s not a game anymore… it’s an art gallery.