Passengers not showing up for departure


I have noticed in my latest Airport that in 80%-90% of the flights, departures are delayed because of 1 or more passengers not showing up. I notice this since I get the prompt about delaying or sending away. This happen to all Airlines operating from my Airport.
When I check the stand there is usually 7/8 boarding complete in small Aircrafts and about 65/74 in medium flights.

Sometimes I find them outside the secure area when I select the boarding desk. The green dot around them is flashing like they’re losing the connection to the flight, not constant like those inside the secure area. The passengers are thinking “Thinking of what to do next”, “Im resting”, “Im waiting”. There is no line to the security checkpoint

These prompts didnt start instantly when I started adding Commercial flights, but came after about a year in. Havent seen any thread yet in this forum describing this problem. Am I the only one?

I like the idea of no-show passengers, but not this often :frowning:


Does your airport have food/shop area? If yes are they before or after security?

I have a similar problem with one of my airports. The issue I have is that passengers are waiting outside the terminal building, so the checked in, have a boarding ticket, have checked in their luggage but somehow have decided to go outside again. If you click on the boarding desk you can se the connected passengers with a green bulb around it, that way I found out that passengers are outside the terminal (see screenshot). Don’t know if that is also the case in your airport, but maybe worth to look at it. These passengers also do not want to go inside again, have tried all kinds of things, like creating another entrance with an extra security checkpoint.

Don’t build your gate seating so close to the wall, it causes them to jump out the terminal when exiting… this is a know issue but it’s way down on the list, so I’d recommend simply not building seat objects so close to the wall and you won’t have that issue. :slight_smile:


Yes, both shop and food-area inside the secure zone

Don’t build your gate seating so close to the wall, it causes them to jump out the terminal when exiting… this is a know issue but it’s way down on the list, so I’d recommend simply not building seat objects so close to the wall and you won’t have that issue. :slight_smile:

Aha, thanks for that :+1:, was not aware of that issue.


Sometimes when there are many customers of shop/food they stand in each other and you see them as 1 person. In order to find out: cancel contract of it and watch PAX movement. If you see tens of PAX moving out of shop area at the same time, there is your problem.

Maybe, but I have also let a departure be delayed overnight just to see if I could find the passenger. And when the Airport was empty, there were still no passengers to be seen :confused:

Bump, is this issue registered?

Some things that cause it could be, but probably not all, please submit your save game here.

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Sometimes I find them outside the secure area when I select the boarding desk. The green dot around them is flashing, not constant like those inside the secure area. Any idea what might be causing this?

Quite difficult to say just from your story, so I’d recommend you to either file a bug report and we’ll look at it when we get around to it or if you could provide a few screens of the problem here.