Passengers not all checking in

Hi, just wondering whether it is normal, or whether I have a problem with my airport design. Looking at the flight monitor, there are occasional flights where all my passengers arrive at the airport but not all check in. There are also sometimes flights where checked in passengers don’t eventually all board the aircraft. Luckily that doesn’t seem common, and isn’t affecting ratings, but just wondering whether it’s a problem with not having enough check in desks or anything. I’m not really seeing delays, and most of the time it’s all fine, and everything is either green or yellow, and all departing flights leave when the counter is still green or yellow. Thanks!

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I have a problem where no one checks in. I couldn’t provide screenshots as all airports built in Alpha 36 have crashed for me.

If absolutely no one checks in, it’s worth double checking your zones and transport connections? I once forgot to put in some sidewalk tiles and zebra crossings, and people ended up being stuck at the bus/taxi/car stops. Another time, I for some reason, had a secure zone marked at the airport door, so everyone arriving couldn’t get through those doors. Just to play it safe, I now pause the game and run through it mentally assuming I’m a passenger getting off the car, and walking to check in, etc., just to make sure there’s at least one path available. Also worth trying to dezone secure area, even if it doesn’t appear to be a secure area. Unknown bugs in the game?

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I came across this, my airport was open but acting as if closed. I has to switch airport to closed and then back to open. Only happened once

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Hey tweetaport,

I had the same problem in A35 until I found out that it’s caused by self check in desks that aren’t connected to an active baggage handling system. So make sure the attached baggage drops are connected.

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