Next Update? Just wondering?

To be fair the game has changed a lot since launch and there are many updates in the pipeline.

I agree that the longer wait over the summer is frustrating as I’m sure lots of people have time off to play and new content might have spurred people on but in all early access games there is a lull in updates periodically and player come and go.

Small teams means that vacations always hamper productivity. The community also voted in two large features to be developed first which takes time to implement.

Hopefully the focus group sort out any major bugs and production will be back in full flow. Devs did state that they hope to speed up updates when they are back.


We waited for the new Duke Nukem back in the day. Took 15 years, we will survive this :smiley:.

I’m not saying this because i am impatient or that i can’t survive this haha.

But the game needs to be kept interesting to attract and keep players, because the game needs players to exist. That’s the only survival element playing.
And i don’t think some new graphics is enough to keep players interested. They need to be challenged.

It’s just a heads up for the devs. No bad intentions.

The issue is not the wait. We signed up for EA so we should be prepared to wait for features. However for me personally the issue is that the devs mentioned “remote stand implementation this week” 2 weeks ago and then no response or update on the delay or the new plan, till some one opens up a topic and 5 days later we get a response without any outlook on when to expect it.

I understand its their “summer break” for the last 4 weeks but this same issue happened during the release of the 2nd gameplay video pre release and the release of the game itself. I get that plans change and stuff but I just feel there should be a more efficient clear way of communicating that.


The remote stand is out for testing internally, but there are number of issues we need to deal with before we can release it to the experimental branch. From next week we will both be back in the office and we expect a lot of progress and hopefully a more stable version that or the week after.

We both had the mindset to work a few days every week during the vacation period to get the features out there quicker, however this summer has been a bit different in Sweden from the normal. High temperatures every day, over 30 degrees Celsius in a country that lacks AC units basically everywhere. I know it is nothing for some of you guys in warmer countries but for us in the Nordics, it’s a struggle. I’m not going to lie, I have enjoyed the warm summer days but every time I tried to do some code work, my brain just melts and any work we done has been really inefficient. :stuck_out_tongue:

There will be a lot of things coming out soon. We have recently finalized the purchase of high quality aircraft engine and ambiance sounds. Our composers are working hard on the upcoming soundtrack. New items and aircraft are being designed. We are setting up a system for multiple-floors, more advance taxiways etc. All in all, exciting stuff is happening. :smiley:


keep up as usual

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Great news. We are all so eager for the next updates, but you guys need a well deserved break to!


You just made my day! Brilliant news, and oh boy I can relate to your struggles. Stayed longer in the office as required just because we have AC here :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update! Like my other games are also in early access or getting ready to be release. I have a very small godus kinda game there a small team too in America having a small game team can take forever overtime but it is worth it! I still like Airport Ceo!

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that’s great - so elevators and escalators or just stairs and elevator?

Remote stands initially. Elevators and stairs are still in development. You can see the progress here.

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Is the game dead?

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Nope. It will rocket climb soon :blush:


A update should be out by Monday

i hope friday. i got the whole weekend reserved hahah :slight_smile:

Yes, defenitly, I Hope it will came out tomorrow, friday!:sweat_smile:Then you can Test it the whole weekend :smile:

Does sound like it has caused some large bugs that have slowed down its experimental release. Looking forward to designing a new airport around this feature tho.

The game is most definitely not dead! :smiley: I don’t know many early access titles where you can track the development in real time via Trello mirrored from the project’s Jira: Trello

Everything under “Ready for Experimental branch” is being tested internally. We’re in the process of squashing the remaining process related bugs for remote stand and depending on its health over the coming day and weekend we might be able to push an external deploy - everything is being simulated meticulously from passenger movement on stands to board airside shuttle buses (via stair trucks) to baggage being moved on belt loaders, there’s a lot we need to test. Alternatively we will try to do some work during Gamescom and see if we can’t push up an experimental version as we near the kind of stability we want. The next devlog is going to be a loooooong read and will feature .gifs of the entire remote stand process - at least.


Looking forward to both. Are you just visiting or exhibiting?

Does it say that if the consistency of the game is perfect and the new content is so well programmed, with a bit of luck maybe even tomorrow night a trial could be released in the Experimental Branch :blush::question: