New Game Trailer/Teaser for AirportCEO

I think since game release is becoming closer and closer, my idea is ACEO must have brand new game trailer and teaser because old videos are “old” and either they don’t show new features or they show features that current game doesn’t have. (ex: cop car on apron, parked baggage cars around apron, texture differences etc)


I agree.
If it is not too much out of the way for the developers, it would it be be nice to see, and would attract new people to the game.

Nice idea!

I’m sure they will. When the release date is confirmed I think having the trailer alongside would be good PR.

I completely concur!

I can confirm that we will record an Early Access release trailer that’ll be revealed upon launch! :slight_smile:


WOHOOO! Cant wait!

Shame most of us won’t see it, will be busy playing the game instead.


I will watch it while downloading ACEO


Will you release the trailer before the game or both at the same time?

I’d say it’s likely that we’ll release it a few days prior to launch.


any update on steam direct?

Yeah, sure. The product store is set up, build pipeline is up and running, we need to send in a build version for Steam to review and will do that soon. Everything else is more or less completed from a Steam Direct perspective, but we’re still “on hold” for another +15 days or something so there’s not much we can do from that perspective.

Edit: Except work working tirelessly everyday with testing and implementing new stuff! :computer_mouse:


that’s nice. thanks for the really quick response

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So by the sounds of things, we shouldn’t be surprised if the game is released within the next 30 days ish, perfect timing for the summer hols!! Can’t wait!!!

I think this video is relevant The pointer sisters - I'm so excited - YouTube :smiley:

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