As you all know, the forum needs a bit of leadership help to look and function its absolutely best! For this purpose we have appointed three new community leaders to help out with directing the discussion there.
The selection process was based on posting quality, time spent on the forum, number of likes received and more (yes, I have this data and we know everything about you… ;)).
Congrats! I was hoping I could have that title, but I think you made good choices. What if someone abuses his/her power? Will a new leader be appointed?
We will of course help each other out to make sure that everyone is treaded fairly, I highly doubt that any leaders would misbehave but if that were to happen in the future that person would loose their leadership role.
This is not a rank based forum. Either you are a member (which everyone is), a leader (the people who help out with moderating aspects) or a an admin (the ones operating the forum).
Nice choices indeed… two of my nominations got selected. ( I nominated only two ) Best of luck guyz… all of you have to manage the forum through a crucial moment of this game…release.
This is my first post on this forum, although I’ve been stalking it since I learnt about this game a few weeks ago (whilst watching a let’s play for a rival, less complete, game).
In my opinion it’s overall a pretty nice, polite forum with mutual respect amongst contributors. It’s really nice to see. Anyway good luck for the new peace keepers (although I don’t think they’ll need it).