My baggage bay is set up, everything works fine, but my vehicles just stay in the vehicle depot and leave all the luggage on the conveyor.
Is Baggage service enabled?
Are the Baggage stations on a serviceroad that is connected to the depot
Does the baggage station have enough staff? (check staff menu in OPERATIONS to see if there is extra demand)
Does the baggage bay give an error?
Can you make us some printscreens?
So my vehicles leave the depot now but I have a new problem. Instead they just sit at the baggage bay like this
I haven’t played in a while, but it looks like there are ramp agents driving the carts now?
If that were the case, do you have other ramp agents assigned to the baggage bay, and can they get there?
Maybe give us a broader view, and one with zones toggled on?
Open service trucks have a person driving them, tho they aren’t “real” ramp agents.
As for the issue, it looks like there isn’t anyone at the baggage bay to fill the service trucks.
So it looks like you’re missing ramp agents there
Yeah, the ramp agents driving the vehicles are stupid (dummy) and cannot unload. You need to hire a few ramp agents and make sure that they can access the bay for it to work!
the ramp agents driving the vehicles are stupid (dummy)
Don’t call them stupid. They are forced to drive topless baggage cart in winter breezing or summer hot wave while taking minimum wage.
Here are the screenshots. I have like a billon ramp agents and I should be fine. They can get to work fine cause my buses and cars work!
ahh there is your issue,
so you do have a sidewalk to the building that is secure, however to enter a secure area, one needs to do this by going through a security check
like here, if you add a security check (like a small one and only allow employees) they are able to access the secure zone
I will try that right now!
ohh btw, dont forget to also create an “exist secure zone” object so they can also get out of it
sigh New problem now, my trucks get to the planes to take the baggages but none of the ramp agents show up, I have 60 ramp agents so I dont need to hire any more. Any suggestions?
Make sure employees can pass through security. Also build a staff resting room in secure area.
I have a resting room for staff in secure zone and I built a security. Ill update my status later
I saved and reloaded and the problem fixed itself. Thanks for your help!
My aiport has 208 ramp agents… who says you dont need more?
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