Multiple Terminals (secure zones)

I was reading an old thread on here about difficulties with staff taking jobs when you build multiple terminals, the problem being that staff will take jobs in terminals that they aren’t in.

Does this problem persist? Are the staff intelligent enough to only accept jobs in the terminals in which they are situated or will this cause problems? Looking at this prebuild in the picture, I don’t want to go too much further if this design will mean the separate terminals will not function.

Would I be better building the terminals so there is a secure corridor connecting all the secure zones?

Many thanks

The devs are working on multiple terminal support to be released with the multi floor update - hopefully to be released asap

Thanks Stu.

On that basis am I better to leave this design for now and work on something else?!

Devs are going to give an update today (prob about 02:00am) so maybe wait to see what they say tonight about the next release!

Usually alphas drop on Mondays to give them a week to bug bash but what do I know

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Thanks again.

I can reveal that the next version will not have a complete multiple-terminal system. It has not been fully implemented yet and still need some work with staff jobs (like you mentioned) and deciding which bus stop passengers should disembark on. A lot of this is prepared for with the new multiple-floor system and we estimate a couple of weeks to fully implement working multiple terminals. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the response. Will stick to single terminal in the short term. Appreciate the prompt reply :ok_hand:

Thanks for vindicating that reading all the dev logs and keeping up with the forum is keeping me up to date

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On a side note, ShootTheILS, why do you have three, expensive (build, maintain) Fuel Depots? That is some major overkill. I have one FD for almost 30 Medium and Small Stands. I finally built my second when I created my “second” terminal with it’s own aircraft stands and Vehicle Depot.

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Haha! It’s a very good question! Symmetry is the answer and this was a test build whereby I’d edited the gamedata.json so I had ridiculous money to try things out!

If I was playing properly ie no sandbox and or cheats then clearly, this would be a stupid way to go!

When you say ‘second’ terminal, can you explain or even better screenshot how you are doing that so as to stop the staff confusion as discussed above?


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