Multiple Security Points and Secure Areas?

My question is simple, will be there possibility of multiple security points and mltiple level or secure areas?

In Istanbul Ataturk Airport (LTBA) for example, There are multiple layers of security. First one before entering terminal, the next one is security check between secure and non-secure area. However LTBA got a third layer of security. Flight to USA and sometimes to UK are from a special gate where there is another secure area in it. So it is like security check between secure area and **upper-**secure area.

No. At least for pre-alpha release. It will be what you find in most airports. Though they could add more detail later or maybe someone will build a mod concentrating on security.

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In theory they could add different types of scanning devices similar to how they are handling luggage scanning. I don’t know how it works at these other airports, are people and bags be scanned multiple times? In theory you could have body scans then a different section with a bag scan as well.

I also know another situation with this in Toronto’s airport (I forget its name sorry) where they have three layers of secure areas.

Just been thinking on my drive home about how multiple security could work. I’m assuming right now that A* pathfinding looks for the next object the person wants, then plots the most direct path there (depending on the heuristic value). So right now A* will plot a path to the nearest security if there are more than one.

For baggage, with check-in counters linked to specific baggage bays, the A* will only look for paths to that specific baggage bay. This could also work for security.

My proposal is to link the security screening to specific gates. So that A* would then be forced to plot a path to the correct security for the gate assigned to the flight they checked into.

Multiple security would then be a start to multiple terminals. I don’t see a need to link the checkin to security, just security to the gate.

Of course another means to multiple terminals is to use the Zones features, to create different secured areas. EG Secure Area A, Secure Area B.

Would this work?

Unfortunately, no

As in the passengers check in and clear security way before the gate is assigned to the plane, then they hang around in the secure area till they find out where they need to go.

There has been lots of discussions on assigning gates to each aricraft, assigning gates to airlines, assigning gate priorities. But for now, the devs are sticking with a ‘simple’ path finding method for planes (including automatic gate selection). And everything kind of works backwards from there.
Maybe in the future, when assigning gates becomes a thing, then other possibilities would open up.

I’m sure the devs have the technical know-how to implement it, however this close to release with all the bugs it would definitely cause it’s hardly feasible (as they have said in a few posts on the issue). As you say it requires for more dependency and more knowledge of future events which means more cases where it can fail more errors, more bugs, more exceptions having to be written an overall more complicated code.

So yes, your methodlogically checks out and it may even be the best method, who knows. But currently it’s not going to be implemented due to the amount of testing pathing requires.

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Hi, I work in airport security.

I won’t tell you where exactly but it’s in the UK at a smaller regional airport.

What I found rather good was the staff pass system (from what i saw) closely-ish resembles the real system.

Anyway back on to your point on security.
Firstly the game may need to introduce a system for the zones, (maybe it already has it?) I will not go into too much detail on this in a public domain but I can say:…

There are different layers to security;
Public access
Anybody and Everybody is allowed in
SRA - Secured Restricted Area
Those with the correct pass OR reason for being there and identification can be there - this includes airside areas like GA aprons, fire stations etc

CP - Critical Part
Tight security measures, everybody and every vehicle is searched, you MUST have a good reason to be there I.E. You are a passenger waiting to fly, you are supposed to work in the CP, not any old staff member is allowed in. only the correct people are allowed to bring in certain things on their passes (No further detail will be given). The CP extends to parts of the apron as outlined by a red line (something you may have never noticed before?), any airport vehicle, pushback tug, fuel bowser, catering delivery etc going into the CP will be searched.

If the Devs wanted to simulate these zones properly then firstly we need to enforce these zones properly. This means Security staff on patrols, having a vehicle checkpoint. As airport vehicles come airside either into the CP they should be delayed as the security staff searches the vehicle. this is where the player could invest in expanding the CP (But this means you have to raise the amount of security staff to patrol it) or perhaps investing in a fuel farm inside the CP, or underground fuel pipes, parking areas for 'port vehicles inside the CP to save time being searched etc. But also it’s important to have the VIP’s come and go inside the SRA - they do not like spending time being searched, not our vip’s anyway.

Back to your original point regarding multiple security zones inside the airport; we don’t do this at our airport but if we did it would be very expensive to employ extra staff. The only reason i can see them putting in that extra layer of CP is to filter out some of the things you are not allowed to carry as specified by the airline. For example some airlines allow you to carry E-cigs as carry-on but other airlines do not.

Feel free to ask me anything security related and if you’re allowed to know, I will tell you :slight_smile:


Question: Is security in the UK longer and worse than the US? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S. Not including Heathrow. I already know they suck. :wink:

Probably more airport dependant than country dependant. Only been to the US once, I can say Denver security was much worse than Heathrow security about 11 years ago :stuck_out_tongue:

In my experience - no. I’ve never had a problem at Heathrow to be fair. Edinburgh’s security is the most godawful experience on this planet.

But I find the US to be pretty much the same as the UK, just with longer queues.

Then again, I went during holiday season, but I still thought it was worse then many major US airports.

Off topic, when you guys say better/ worse what aspects of security bug you most?

Queues are strange one. You get your early surge of pax, a quieter lull in the middle of a flight’s check in and then the late rush including those that smoke until the last moments (you can ask them 50 times if they’re putting their lighter in the liquid bag but some just don’t get it). So if you don’t like queues at smaller airports I would say try checking in just after the early surge and don’t think the queue dies down right at the end. Don’t try this at larger airports.

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