have the following problem…
I download from steam work, and from apog labs as a file…
AirportCEOTweaks 2.3.6: Misc Patch.
and picked up at apog laps,
Airport CEO Custom Buildables 1.2: Click & Drag.
acknowledge it installed AGAINST UMOD FRAMEWORK, and installed through there, and it says it’s installed correctly…?
and the mods that are for the game where you have to put mods in the folder:
C:\Users\cala1\AppData\Roaming\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\Mods.
here too…
Yes. It looks like UMF and Tweaks aren’t installed correct. Otherwise you would see a window on the top left and the Tweaks version would also be shown below the game version.
When you install the UMF, make sure you install it on the sane drive as ACEO is installed. Then you can search for compatible games snd select ACEO.
When this is done, you can install further Tweak mods succh as the custom buildables.
and you haven’t listened. You can download these mods on the workshop, but in order to use them in the game, you need to have the full mods installed. That can’t be done on the Steam workshop as it changes the game source code.
I did see multiple other folders there and ones that aren’t. I would suggest uninstalling the framework and reinstalling it again. As far as I know, the mods that are in that folder should not be there.