Modding for Mac

+1 Mac user

This thread already explains a lot on how to use mods on a Mac, but maybe an idea to write a tutorial thread on it as part of the Mod manager? Or is that available already? More than happy to help to create it.

That’s a good idea. A Mac quick guide.

Matthew - the mods didn’t appear straight away for me but appeared as time went on - ie airline mods took a while to be offered.

So all of the Mac mods are also on the MM?

They are in MM yes. Those data files you can download are generated from MM but I believe they have not been updated in a while, hence some of the liveries not been there.

You are correct. The datafiles zips have not been updated in a while

Can we get an update?

Gotta find some time to do it :slight_smile:
How i do it is:

  • update my data from excel / liveries / logos
  • uninstall all mods
  • install a mod
  • zip the folder
  • uninstall the mod
  • repeat for each mod

OR an automated program that does all these steps automatically with 1 click :slight_smile: