Otherwise provide a “reject all offers” function to clear all previous flights. This might be usefull anyway when you do updates with major changes.
I solved the pushback issue!
…With a brute force approach that means I’ll be rewriting the airline satisfaction check early.
Edit: airline satisfaction is rewritten and fully working in terms of core functionality.
It is really cumbersome in the current system to look “back in time” at whether a given service “succeed”, “failed”, or just wasn’t asked for, largely because of that brute force solution to the pushback issue. So I find myself writing a custom implementation for tracking the completion of these. That’s almost done, and then I’ll need to migrate a bunch of old code into that class. All this to make the turnaround symbols turn the appropriatly informative color…
Sounds awesome :D, Do I need to download some update file or something?
Bug Im seeing, planes are not staying for their turnaround time in full. I have a cargo DHL flight that was supposed to stay for 5 hours but is leaving after just an hour and a half. Its probably due to how the game does not make the plane stay through the entire turn around time given, but till all services are completed. Do you think there is a way to fix this or change it?
I think Zekew will be releasing the new version at some point, until then, the changes won’t be coming across. This is the case with all mods, unless you are using UMod with auto-updates (I don’t think Zekew is), you’ll need to download and install the new file when Zekew posts it.
As for VOID, I cant speak for Zekew on that
That’s interesting; you’re spot on as to why that happens… and I put code in place months ago to delay push-back until 15 minutes prior to departure… I’ll have to take a look at whats broken with that old code
I’m going to be trying hard to have a new beta out in the next 24-hours (my work weeks are pretty busy, so trying to get some stuff done on the weekend). Until then you’re still on the latest version.
Do note its a small stand, I dont know if that changes anything but it may because pushback is not something they need?
Edit: This seems to only affect small cargo as small commercial works fine
You’ve successfully pinpointed a bug without reading my code. I’m impressed . Thank you!
In the interest of getting this damned update out, I have not gone into fixing the small cargo flights depart early bug. I’ll be reworking push-backs in general soon to allow planes which can independently reverse to “push back” without a tug. That will be a good time to fix the small cargo issue…
Lets talk about turnaround services.
All the information you need to know how to service flights is available in this little window. The above window example is in the planner before the flight has arrived.
- The white services are requested and available.
- Orange services are desired but not available. These are a missed opportunity to generate revenue and improve relations, but there is no penalty for not having these.
- Red services are demanded and not available. The airline expects these services and will be unhappy if you don’t provide them. It is not advisable to schedule flights with red service requests.
Here the plane in question has landed. The orange and red icons have darkened to indicate that these services have not been provided: it is too late to provide them.
Likewise, as you complete services, they will turn green (as in the original game) to indicate the successful completion.
There is one more color: blue. Blue indicates that there’s some kind of strangeness as the game attempts to figure out if a service was completed, failed, or just not requested. This isn’t a critical bug and shouldn’t effect the systems rewarding your performance. It is especially likely to be seen just after loading a save.
I’ve got a thousand hours in this game I know it like the back of my hand lol. Happy to help where I can.
I do also have a few minor random suggestions. Ability to place water (and remove water) outside of the normal placeable area so there’s no ugly grass where you want a runway on the water. Ability to place sidewalks partly over the water so there’s no grass texture on the water itself because when it’s surrounded by sidewalk it’s kinda ugly. And lastly an ability to place stickers on top of one another?
Can you maybe make it so small planes won’t request catering and cleaning because they are physically unable lol?
If you downloaded beta 2 in the last 10 minutes go ahead and re-download: I’d forgotten to disable catering on small. This should be don now.
I’ll come back to these; I’m not currently working on buildables, but myself and especially @humoresque are starting to figure out how we might do this kind of thing in the future.
I want to confirm that the pushback is fixed. Looking forward to the future :D.
Here’s a quick feasibility study:
- Water out of game bounds: shouldn’t be too difficult so I will take a look. Same with trees. But it could end up being a pain…
- Water next to sidewalk: That may be harder, but I can try. There’s multiple qualities of solutions for each of these.
- Layers for stickers: I already took a look at this, I’ll take another one. Also shouldn’t be impossibly difficult, just adjusting a few numbers, but it will be hard to know which one is placed first.
This feature will be coming out in the next few days with a new version of ACEO Sticker Fix. It may also include a feature to auto-use stickers from the steam folder, so you don’t have to move the stickers to the folder.
Ret-con to new version numbers
2.1.0 Beta 2 is now 2.1.0 Release; UMF should auto update the mod if you’re still on 2.0.0 If you’re using 2.1.0 Beta 1 you will need to manually upgrade to the newer version.
Original Text
1.2.1 Beta 2 is now 1.2.1 Release; UMF should auto update the mod if you’re still on 1.2.0. If you’re using 1.2.1 Beta 1 you will need to manually upgrade to the newer version.
idea for your mod realstic routes with links:
There’s no question that this would be insanely cool, especially with real airlines fetching their real flights…
It does live firmly in “stretch goal” land for now though. I estimate that given my current knowledge, it would take 5 times as long to implement as an auto-generated routes improvement that would be 80% as fun to play with. Not to mention the “contact us for pricing” hurdle. I would love to work in this direction though, probably first by making the auto generator I write save the files to a csv style format, which would leave the door open to loading human written or data-generated csv’s
Hey all, wondering if it’s this mod or not. But I have three airlines currently, so they provide all the flights, and all flights are on time and so on. All airlines are mods, if that makes any difference. So my or question is, why does the satisfaction not go above 25%?
I was looking into this yesterday on my own save (finally got a couple hours to play my own mod): I appears that satisfaction is not moving at all. That’s all i know right now; but I figure I’ll get it fixed this weekend.