ACEO Tweaks 3.0 - Core and Parts
Currently Core and Aircraft
This is the transition point from all-in-one tweaks (old tweaks) to modular tweaks. Currently the core module (no game-play effects) and the aircraft module (load new aircraft types) are the only modules available, but other old tweaks functionality will return in the form of additional modules.
If old tweaks is working well for you, you do not need to upgrade at this time.
To Update/Install
- First ensure ACEO Mod Loader is installed.
- Unsubscribe from ACEO Tweaks on steam (Old tweaks) or uninstall manually if installed manually.
- Subscribe to ACEO Tweaks Core and ACEO Tweaks Aircraft, or install manually from github.
- Ensure you have the aircraft pack installed. The aircraft pack mod must be activated. In the near future, aircraft will also be available individually for those with performance restrictions.
Tweaks aircraft has no new gameplay features, but does have some improvements:
- The mod can gracefully handle airlines calling for aircraft which are not installed, allowing for aircraft to be installed individually in the future.
- Airlines now periodically update their fleet. It may take a few minutes for a signed airline to load its tweaks aircraft, but canceling and resigning should no longer be required.
- Aircraft loading appears in the loading bar. It takes a long time.
- Textures are down scaled by 2x for RAM savings by default. Options are available for 1x (original) to 8x downscaling.
I will update the main post and thread title in a couple days as long as 3.0 is stable.