[MERCURY-45348] Flight planner overlays flights

I’m starting my save game and running the game minimized in background with normal speed.
The flight planner overlays many flights after a playing time of several hours.

Bug report is not possible cause the save game is too large. (GameData.jspon ~ 200MB)

btw. I’m playing without any airline mods, since then the GameData.json-File is growing to this size when the flight planner are schedule all airline contracts.

Dell G7 17 7700
Windows 10 Pro 21H2

Do you notice lags when planning new flights?

I’m using auto schedule so i don’t really know if it lags.
Also the CPU is between 80% and 95% when the game is running in normal speed and when it’s paused between 65% and 70%.

That’s the steam link to the save game

I do notice such overlays on very busy airports with big calculations ongoing. The moment when it wants to schedule a flight it gets placed on a wrong spot. But with autoschedule I have never seen that.

I’ve had it do that with autoplanner on, usually happens a few days in game after I load the save.

The flight monitor is looking like that :confused:

Same thing for me too.

Can you try shutting down the airport, making sure it has no traffic or passengers at all, and then reporting it?

After disabled auto flight planner and removing all flights manually the save game is still to big. (GameData.json 225MB)
Closing the airport was also not helpful, but when i canceled all airline contracts it’s working.

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