Manage alerts / timers / validation of objects

Dear all;

@Olof told us Airport CEO will get validation on baggage systems that will test routes, but there is so much more in game that cannot be corrected by the CEO due to a lack of information or timers on alerts that are to early, to late absent, etc…

Could we have a menu where we could set timeout timers?

  • timeout alerts for Repairs are mostly redundant, since a repairman is near when you get the alert, maybe let us set the timer, or just give alert on personal shortages (as shown in Opertions panel).
  • timeout alerts for long Turnaround times on plane stands are not present
  • timeout on contractors to go to the personal room are huge!
  • timeouts on staff that has to pass an empty security station is immediate, so, if you want to check up on it later, it is solved already, if we can set the timer on 1 in game hour, most messages will be suppressed.
  • alerts on staff shortages are absent in game, please can we choose for alerts for each type of staff type (most of us would suppress cleaning shortages, because they will catch up over time).

Alerts of people not getting from A to B due to zoning problems are not interesting at all atm;

  • Please have the alert specify Item ID’s; PERSON A cannot REACH STAND X or SECURITY STATION Y, or BAGGAGE CAROUSEL Z
  • Please have a plane that cannot depart, tell it is because of a route problem from STAND X to RUNWAY Y or no available runway, instead of just an exclamation mark.

These kind of problems could be solve by validation in objects; they could specify;

  • staff can reach this object (in GREEN or RED)
  • passenger can reach this object (in GREEN or RED)
  • aircraft can reach this object (in GREEN or RED)
  • service vehicles can reach this object (in GREEN or RED)

And other small stuff;

  • Why do we get weather updates and “new staff” reports in game, please make us able to suppress these.
  • Contract bonuses; can we get an option to summarize bonuses, why get 22 messages in stead of 1 and a few that failed.
  • Shop / Food Contracts. can we get store ID’s in those alerts, and can we get an auto-renew option on them?

Lot’s of zoning problems posted by players and alerts on objects could be better managed, validated and understood by players, think of zoning problems for example.

Thx for your attention :wink:

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